Thursday, December 2, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like .....

Me if I had a boob job and blond hair. The presents however are spot on.

I am feeling most smug and pleased with myself. Here at Landsend the yuletide gifts are bought and wrapped. Little sticky labels adorn each gift, ungrateful and undeserving children's name are lovingly written on said sticky labels and the whole shebang is safely hidden away.
Yes I am good.
Others apparently, do not share my happiness. The trouble may be that I just can't seem to stop telling people about my Xmas awesomeness. Even complete strangers. Particularly complete strangers. And they are not pleased. At all.
I fail to see why the heart of the women working behind the lay by counter at Big W would not be filled with tinsel and baby Jesus when I warmly advise her that I am done, finished, finito. And I am, in fact, running a bit late this year. Normally I am done by November. Cue big smile on my side of the counter, cue stony silence from Mrs Grinch.
Perhaps if she spent less time working full time for minimum wage and more time swanning around the shops spreading the Xmas spirit she too would be feeling the happy.