Thursday, October 18, 2007


Forgive me blogspot, it has been ten days since my last post. This is due mainly to the fact that sod all has happened in Landsend for the last millennia and therefore I have nothing to write about.

Except for the fact that a hundred and thousand from a gigantic freckle I was stuffing my face with last week has rolled under my B key ensuring that everytime I try to write a word with B in it I have to say "what the fuck" really loudly and hit the key repeatedly really hard until it works. This could possibly be adding to my reluctance for recent posting.

However, children are now ack (see what I mean, fucking annoying) at school which means I have free government sanctioned childcare and will try my best to have rollicking good adventures and write about them.
Garden Update; Some plants. In ground. Look good, I think not.

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