Why did I forget how awful taking three kids to the Royal Show is? How can 365 days so dull my memory? Sure the beer hasn't helped but surely I shouldn't forget the horror that quickly?
It was terrible. The crying, the whinging, the spending. And the kids behaved really badly as well.
Above are three photos. In case you couldn't guess they are in chronological order. Look at me in the first. There I am looking strong and young and clean. God help me, I was off with a song in my heart and many shekels in my wallet.
Then there is the photo of what I walked through. Over 100 times. With three children. One who refused to walk.
And at last, there I am. Destroyed, poor, numb with grief ..........but no doubt already forgetting the awfulness of it so come this time next year I will be eagerly waking the kids with shouts of "yah, it's show day". Idiot.
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