Saturday, November 6, 2010

I'm back and finding myself quite funny!

Last night I watched Julie and Julia. Kind of good in a I'm not sure if Meryl Streep is actually brilliant or really crap kinda way. However, it did get me thinking about writing a blog. This is no doubt because I am mind numbingly bored at home and exactly 5 months away from turning 40 therefore I must search for something inane and completely narcissistic to do - I have to, its the law.
I wander to my PC and look up blog creators. Oh here is one, it's called Blogger, never heard of it but it will do.
So there I am entering my details when up pops the pop uppy thing - " Blog already exists for this email". What the fuck I think.
And there it is - Tales from Lands Ends, with 8 entries all from 2008. Great, brilliant, except I have no memory of doing it. It's my life, I remember taking some of the photos in it but the writing and the posting? Nothing, naught, nader.

Now I think I have choices. One, turn off the computer, mention it to no one and continue on living with my clearly retreating brain cells for however long I have left before I am dribbling pureed apple down my chin and inappropriately masturbating on visitors day.

Or two, read the posts, laugh like a drain at my own enduring and may I say endearing wit and continue on blogging. So lets go with that.

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